Terms Of Service


Please read carefully. By purchasing this product, you (herein referred to as “Customer”) agree to the following terms.


SLKL Group LLC (referred to as “Muslim Move” or “the Company” or “www.muslim-move.com”) agrees to provide an Educational Training (herein referred to as “Training”) as part of an online sales contract. The Customer agrees to adhere to all policies and procedures outlined in the general terms and conditions of sale and use of Muslim Move as part of their participation in the Training.


The Customer understands that SLKL Group LLC (herein referred to as “Consultant”) is not an employee, agent, lawyer, doctor, manager, therapist, public relations officer, business director, licensed dietitian, financial analyst, psychotherapist, or accountant. The Customer understands that the Consultant has not promised, is not obligated to, and will not be required to:

  1. Procure or attempt to procure employment, business, or sales for the Customer.

  2. Perform any business management functions including, but not limited to, accounting, tax or investment advice, or consulting in such regards.

  3. Act as a psychoanalytical therapist.

  4. Act as a public relations director.

  5. Act as a publicist to secure publicity, interviews, articles, reports, television, print, or digital media exposure.

  6. Introduce the Customer to the Consultant’s full network of contacts, media partners, or business partners.

The Customer understands that there is no relationship between the parties after the conclusion of this Training. If the parties continue their relationship, a separate agreement will be executed.


By placing an order, you are purchasing a product subject to the following general terms and conditions. All orders are subject to availability and confirmation of the order price. To enter into a contract with Muslim Move, you must be over 18 years of age and possess a valid credit or debit card issued by a bank acceptable to us. Muslim Move reserves the right to refuse any request you make. If your order is accepted, we will inform you by email and confirm the identity of the party with whom you have entered into a contract. This will usually be Muslim Move, or in some cases, a third party. When a contract is made with a third party, Muslim Move is neither acting as agent nor principal, and the contract is made between you and that third party and will be subject to the terms of sale they provide to you. When you place an order, you undertake that all details you provide to us are true and accurate, that you are an authorized user of the credit or debit card used to place your order, and that there are sufficient funds to cover the cost of the goods. The cost of foreign products and services may fluctuate. All prices advertised are subject to such changes.


When you place an order, you will receive an acknowledgement e-mail confirming receipt of your order: this email will only be an acknowledgement and will not constitute acceptance of your order. A contract between us will not be formed until we send you confirmation by email that the goods which you ordered have been dispatched to you. Only those goods listed in the confirmation email sent at the time of dispatch will be included in the contract formed.


While we strive to ensure that all details, descriptions, and prices which appear on this website are accurate, errors may occur. If we discover an error in the price of any goods which you have ordered, we will inform you of this as soon as possible and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it. If we are unable to contact you, we will treat the order as cancelled. If you cancel and you have already paid for the goods, you will receive a full refund.


Upon receipt of your order, we conduct a standard authorization check on your payment card to ensure there are sufficient funds to fulfill the transaction. Your card will be debited upon authorization being received. The funds received upon the debiting of your card shall be treated as a deposit against the value of the goods you wish to purchase. Once the goods have been dispatched and you have been sent a confirmation email, the funds paid as a deposit shall be used as consideration for the value of goods you have purchased as listed in the confirmation email.


You will receive an email receipt once we have successfully processed your payment. The email receipt contains your access to the Training registration area. You will have "lifetime access" (see Limited Access section) to the Training. If you encounter any difficulties accessing the member area or if you have lost your login or password, please contact us at: contact@muslim-move.com.


We want you to be satisfied with your purchase, but we also want you to give your best effort to apply all the strategies from the Training. We offer a 14-day refund period for purchases if less than 25% of the total Training content has been viewed (we use a database provider that offers precise measures regarding the audience of the total Training content). Refund requests within 24 hours of purchase may require additional verification in an effort to prevent fraud. If you decide your purchase was not the right decision, contact our support team at contact@muslim-move.com within 14 days of your enrollment, and let us know you would like a refund. Refunds are only granted upon email request by a Customer who purchased the Training less than 14 days prior and has completed less than 25% of the Training.

In case of doubt, we reserve the right to conduct further investigations to determine whether the customer has not purchased the training with the intent of viewing a particular module before requesting a refund. Any abusive practice of this sort will result in the outright denial of the refund request.


The Company respects the privacy of the Customer and insists that the Customer respects the Company and the Training Participants (herein referred to as “Participants”). Thus, consider this as a mutual non-disclosure agreement. Any confidential information shared by the Training Participants or any representative of the Company is confidential, proprietary, and belongs solely and exclusively to the Participant who discloses it. The parties agree not to disclose, reveal, or use any confidential information or transactions, during discussions, on the forum, or otherwise. The Customer agrees not to use such confidential information for any purpose other than discussing with other Participants during the Training. Participants agree to be contacted through the methods and details provided at the time of registration to the Training, on matters concerning, but not limited to: Training details, new offers, dues owed, and collections, except upon the consumer's request otherwise. Confidential information includes, but is not limited to, information disclosed in the context of this agreement and shall not include information legitimately obtained from a third party. Both parties will keep the information strictly confidential and will do their utmost to protect it against disclosure, misuse, espionage, loss, and theft. The Customer agrees not to violate the Company's rights to publicity or privacy. Furthermore, the Customer will disclose no information to a third party obtained under this Contract or through the Company's direct or indirect relationships with the Customer, including, but not limited to, the names, email addresses, titles or positions of third parties, phone numbers, or addresses. Moreover, the Consultant will at no time, directly or indirectly, disclose confidential information to a third party. Furthermore, by purchasing this product, you agree that if you violate or display any likelihood of violating this agreement, the Company and/or the other Participant(s) of the Training will be entitled to an injunction to prohibit such violations in order to protect against the harm of such violations.


The products and services offered on the muslim-move.com website, as well as, more generally, the entire content presented on this site, are and remain the property of SLKL Group LLC, under the terms of the Intellectual Property Code. The muslim-move.com website is the exclusive property of SLKL Group LLC, located in the USA. Any user will be responsible for any fraudulent or abusive use of access codes. In case of violation of the inalienability clause or observed sharing of access keys, the site reserves the right to suspend the service, without compensation, notice, or prior information. Any fraudulent attempt by the user will result in the immediate withdrawal of access to the member platforms without financial compensation. Any reproduction, transfer, or exploitation of any of these products and/or services, in any way, without the consent of their author, is strictly prohibited and will lead to all judicial, criminal and/or civil proceedings against the offender, as provided by law. Any use of the Training to promote other services without prior written authorization from SLKL Group LLC will result in the immediate withdrawal of access to the member platforms without financial compensation.


The Training is developed for strictly educational purposes. The Customer agrees and understands that they are fully responsible for their progress and results from the Training. The Company makes no representations, warranties, or guarantees verbally or in writing. The Customer understands that due to the nature and extent of the Training, the results experienced by each Customer may vary significantly. The Customer acknowledges that, as in any business, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and that there is no guarantee that the Customer will achieve their goals as a result of their participation in the Training. The education and information on the Training are aimed at the general public and should not be seen as, nor interpreted as, specific advice tailored to any particular individual. The company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in the content of the Training.


Lifetime access is defined as the lifespan of the product, meaning that if you have fulfilled all your payment obligations and complied with the terms of service, you will continue to have access to the Training until it is discontinued, the website is no longer operational, or the Company ceases operations or declares bankruptcy, whichever comes first. A decision to discontinue will be made at the sole discretion of SLKL Group LLC. The Training is provided as is. Updates or modifications may be made to existing accounts but are not guaranteed. While we strive to provide uninterrupted and consistent service, we do not guarantee specific availability. Service interruptions may occur occasionally due to supplier updates, outages, or service problems. Once identified, we will work with our staff and suppliers to restore access as quickly as possible, but we make no guarantees regarding time, speed, or availability.


No provision of this agreement shall be construed as creating a partnership, alliance, or any other similar relationship. Each party is an independent contractor in the performance of their contracts and retains control of its personnel and how this personnel performs its duties under this agreement. In no case shall these persons be considered employees of the other party due to their participation or performance under the contracts.


If any provision of this contract is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall nevertheless remain in full force.


The Customer agrees that they have used the Company's services at their own risk and that the Training is merely an educational service provided by SLKL Group LLC. The Customer releases the Company, its officers, employees, directors, principals, agents, heirs, executors, administrators, successors, assigns, instructors, guides, staff, Participants, and related entities, of any way, from any damage that may arise from any agreement, action, contract, claim, lawsuit, cost, arising from participation in the Trainings. The Customer accepts all risks, foreseeable or unforeseeable. The Customer agrees that the Company shall not be liable for any damage of any kind resulting or arising, among others, from direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages arising from the use or misuse of the Company's services or enrollment in the Training. The company assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions that may appear in the content of the Training. You also understand that we have not scientifically evaluated the testimonials or endorsements of our Customers or our audience represented on our Trainings, websites, content, landing pages, sales pages, or offers and that the results obtained by individuals can vary significantly.


The parties agree that they will not engage in any conduct or communication with a third party, public or private, designed to disparage the other. Neither the Customer nor their associates, employees, or affiliated companies will, directly or indirectly, in any capacity or manner, make, express, transmit, speak, write, verbalize, or communicate in any way (or cause, assist, solicit, encourage, support or participate in any of the foregoing), any remark, comment, message, or statement of any kind, whether verbal, written, electronic, or otherwise, that could reasonably be construed as derogatory, critical, or negative towards the Company or its Training, members, directors, owners, officers, affiliates, subsidiaries, employees, agents, or representatives.


It is strictly prohibited for the Customer to give, assign, or transfer access to the Training to a third party in any way. Any breach of this prohibition will result in the immediate and permanent termination of access to the Training, with no possibility of recovery or reactivation.


The Company may modify the terms of this contract at any time. All modifications will be posted on the official website.


Coaching hours reserved on the site must be used by the purchaser within four (4) months after buying them.


The Company is committed to providing all Customers of the Training with a positive experience. By purchasing this product, the Customer agrees that the Company may, at its sole discretion, terminate this Agreement and limit, suspend, or terminate the Customer's participation in the Training without refund if the Customer becomes disruptive to the Company or Participants, fails to follow Training guidelines, impedes the participation of other Participants in the Training, or violates the conditions determined by the Company. The Customer will still be required to pay the full amount of the contract.


You agree to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless SLKL Group LLC, its directors, officers, employees, consultants, agents, and affiliated companies from any claim, liability, damages, and/or costs (including, but not limited to, legal fees) arising from your use of this website or your breach of the Terms of Service.


Every effort has been made to accurately represent this Training and its potential. This site and the products offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Amazon, nor have they been tested or certified by Amazon. There is no guarantee that you will earn money using the techniques and ideas in these Training materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, and techniques. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the Training, ideas and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions. Any forward-looking statements outlined in this document or any other sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results, and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else's, in fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our Training.


Unless otherwise noted, all products come with a 14-day action-based guarantee. Longer conditional guarantees may apply, so check the sales content at the time of your order for more details. If you do not understand or agree with any of these conditions, please do not order this Training. If you require further clarification, please contact contact@muslim-move.com.

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